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SPIE Belgium ICS is de IT divisie van SPIE Belgium. Wij zijn de partner bij uitstek voor veeleisende klanten die op zoek zijn naar geavanceerde Cloud-, infrastructuur-, print- en documentbeheeroplossingen, maar ook IT Consultancy. Onze teams werken in 3 talen en ondersteunen onze klanten in elke fase van hun projecten. Ze bieden hen oplossingen op maat, facilitaire diensten en gekwalificeerde consultanten aan.Heb je een passie voor IT? En wil je lid worden van SPIE? Onze SPIEcialisten genieten van een carrière vol stimulerende projecten en ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden. Anders gezegd, een duurzame toekomst binnen een sterke Europese groep. Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat onze SPIEcialisten ons bedrijf maken. En wij belonen hen goed aangezien SPIE al 17 keer werd uitgeroepen tot Top Employer. Wat betekent dat concreet? Vanaf het eerste contact doen we er alles aan om je een warm welkom te geven. En deze sfeer zal je ongetwijfeld bijblijven doorheen je carrière. Meer weten? Lees dan snel verder!
What does a IT Young Graduate do at SPIE Belgium ICS?Our teams support and facilitate the digital transformation of our corporate and enterprise customers all over Belgium. SPIE Belgium ICS designs, operates and integrates tailored ICT solutions in the areas of Workspace, IT Security, Datacenter & Cloud, Printing & Document Management and IP Connectivity. As an IT Young graduate you will begin your professional adventure at SPIE Belgium ICS. You will build your career path and you will continue to grow as an informatician and as a person. At the beginning, you will be trained by our expert collaborators to help you achieve your career goals. You will start in a role in our Technical Support Center that will allow you to establish a broad set of competenties and soft skills as a foundation to build your career. How can you build your career at SPIE Belgium ICS ? We are offering you a large onboarding plan. This plan is an opportunity to discover more about the daily life as a Technical Support Center Engineer and give you the tools to be performant from the first day.Examples of training and certifications in your onboarding plan : ITIL 4 FoundationAzure Cloud (AZ 900)Microsoft Solutions (MS 900)Cybersecurity (CSX Fundamentals) Next to the technical trainings there will also be a focus on soft skills training. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to follow internal trainings provided by our senior engineers. With those you will be able to develop your IT knowledge and discover the new technologies we are working on. It will help you to build your own career path. Depending on your motivation and skills you may be able to quickly grow in our company and develop your own specific IT skills to become an expert in your field.In which areas will you outperform?You analyse and resolve incidents and problems, and execute changes in different IT environments.You have troubleshooting skills that allow you to resolve incidents without breaching SLA.You understand the importance of Knowledge Management, and contribute to this by writing and updating documentation and procedures.You have excellent communication skills to allow you to efficiently support our customers.You will advise and provide quality technical expertise to our customers, foster trust and build as well as maintain strong relationships with them.
What does a IT Young Graduate do at SPIE Belgium ICS?
Our teams support and facilitate the digital transformation of our corporate and enterprise customers all over Belgium. SPIE Belgium ICS designs, operates and integrates tailored ICT solutions in the areas of Workspace, IT Security, Datacenter & Cloud, Printing & Document Management and IP Connectivity.
As an IT Young graduate you will begin your professional adventure at SPIE Belgium ICS. You will build your career path and you will continue to grow as an informatician and as a person. At the beginning, you will be trained by our expert collaborators to help you achieve your career goals. You will start in a role in our Technical Support Center that will allow you to establish a broad set of competenties and soft skills as a foundation to build your career.
How can you build your career at SPIE Belgium ICS ?
We are offering you a large onboarding plan. This plan is an opportunity to discover more about the daily life as a Technical Support Center Engineer and give you the tools to be performant from the first day.
Examples of training and certifications in your onboarding plan :
Next to the technical trainings there will also be a focus on soft skills training. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to follow internal trainings provided by our senior engineers. With those you will be able to develop your IT knowledge and discover the new technologies we are working on. It will help you to build your own career path. Depending on your motivation and skills you may be able to quickly grow in our company and develop your own specific IT skills to become an expert in your field.
In which areas will you outperform?
You analyse and resolve incidents and problems, and execute changes in different IT environments.You have troubleshooting skills that allow you to resolve incidents without breaching SLA.You understand the importance of Knowledge Management, and contribute to this by writing and updating documentation and procedures.You have excellent communication skills to allow you to efficiently support our customers.You will advise and provide quality technical expertise to our customers, foster trust and build as well as maintain strong relationships with them.
What makes you so SPIE?You are ambitious, eager to learn and open-minded. You have a real solution-oriented spirit. You are motivated by challenges and the achievement of your objectives. These qualities are of course in addition to all your IT knowledge, which is the essence of your job. You have a bachelor's degree with an informatic orientation.You are fluent in French and Dutch.You have a good general knowledge of IT.You have good communication skills.You enjoy performing in new situations.You are enthusiast and curious
What makes you so SPIE?
You are ambitious, eager to learn and open-minded. You have a real solution-oriented spirit. You are motivated by challenges and the achievement of your objectives. These qualities are of course in addition to all your IT knowledge, which is the essence of your job.
Door SPIEcialist te worden, draag je bij aan de technische uitdagingen van morgen om een duurzamere samenleving te creëren. Je zal evolueren in een boeiende carrière met een verscheidenheid aan projecten bij een bedrijf dat meerdere malen het certificaat Top Employer heeft behaald.. Het welzijn en de ontwikkeling van elke SPIEcialist zit in ons DNA.Naast afwisseling en uitdaging kun je rekenen op :
SPIE engageert zich voor het promoten van de diversiteit en wil gelijke kansen, behandeling en toegang tot onze selectieprocedures waarborgen. We moedigen alle mensen aan om te solliciteren op onze jobaanbiedingen, ongeacht hun afkomst, huidskleur, geslacht, leeftijd, seksuele geaardheid, filosofische overtuiging en handicap.
Gelieve er rekening mee te houden dat geen enkele kandidatuur van een extern consultancy bureau zal worden aanvaard als het bureau niet uitdrukkelijk door SPIE Belgium voor deze opdracht is gemandateerd.